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Public Philosophy

  • Participation in two public debates of the Pavia Debating Society (Pro e Contro) at the University of Pavia: in April 2019 on basic income and in May 2024 on sexual consent.

  • In the summer of 2020, I joined Justice Everywhere, a blog about philosophy in public affairs, as a contributing author ( I am also of the editors of the Beyond the Ivory Tower series which seeks to explore the relationship between academic political theory and ‘real politics’, by talking to thinkers who have managed to bridge that divide.

  • In July 2020, I wrote a piece for the ENA, a think tank based in Athens, on the situation of prisons during the first wave of the pandemic, and how it should stimulate a radical rethinking of prison itself.

  • ( The piece has been published in print in the bilingual (English and Greek) collective volume Contemporary Political Thought & Alternative Policies edited by Nikos Erinakis and Yiannis Kouris.

  • In March 2021, I taught two seminars on criminal punishment to a class of high school students in Brescia in Northern Italy.

SWIP Hamburg

  • While at Hamburg, I was active in the local branch of SWIP – the Society for Women in Philosophy -, including in the organisation of the first SWIP-Hamburg Workshop in Feminist Philosophy in January 2021 and the SWIP Germany Annual Conference in November 2021. Our core aims were to further the study of feminist philosophy and encourage women students in their pursuit of philosophy.

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